The Benefits of Hemp for Medical Use

People have long used hemp for a variety of medical conditions, such as constipation, high cholesterol, eczema, and arthritis. However, there is no solid scientific evidence to support these uses. Hemp is not the same as Canadian hemp, hemp agrimony, cannabis, or CBD. Medical marijuana is a term for derivatives of the Cannabis sativa plant that are used to alleviate symptoms caused by certain medical conditions.

Hemp seeds are small and brown and are packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6.They have antioxidant properties and can reduce the symptoms of many ailments, improving heart, skin, and joint health. Hemp seeds contain almost as much protein as soybeans; in every 30 grams (g) of seeds, or about 3 tablespoons, there are 9.46 g of protein. The ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 is also important; people tend to consume too much omega-6 and too little omega-3, but adding hemp seeds to the diet can help promote balance. Medical marijuana is most commonly used in the United States to control pain.

While marijuana may not be strong enough for severe pain (such as post-surgical pain or a broken bone), it is highly effective for chronic pain that affects millions of Americans, especially as they age. It is also safer than opiates (it's impossible to overdose and it's much less addictive) and can replace nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Advil or Aleve if people can't take them due to kidney problems, ulcers, or GERD. Research has indicated that hemp seed oil contains polyphenols which may play a role in protecting the brain. People who don't want to take over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers can turn to high-quality hemp oil for relief.

Hemp seed extract has been studied more than whole hemp seeds; however, the fatty acids in hemp seed oil can help balance the skin and prevent inflammation that can cause acne. In Canada, hemp seed production is strictly regulated to avoid cross-contamination with THC from the cannabis plant. However, athletes and others who undergo drug testing should know that the consumption of hemp products can sometimes result in failed urinalysis results. Hemp seeds are also a great source of vitamin E and minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. Relatively few plant-based foods are complete sources of protein, making hemp seeds a valuable addition to a vegetarian or vegan diet. The least controversial component of marijuana is CBD (cannabidiol), which has few or no intoxicating properties.

A study published in Nutrition & Metabolism highlights the nutritional profile of hemp seeds and points out that they could have a positive effect on several health problems such as high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and cholesterol levels. A recent study in mice found that a hemp seed extract containing active compounds could help protect the brain against inflammation. The fatty acid content of hemp seed oil can also be beneficial for the brain which requires lots of healthy fats to function properly. Research on hemp oil is still relatively new due to restrictive laws in many countries that have prevented researchers from fully exploring the potential of cannabis plants until recently.

Kelli Prellwitz
Kelli Prellwitz

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