Production costs for hemp paper are approximately four times higher than those of wood paper, due to the lack of infrastructure for its use. As a result, hemp paper is mostly used for special applications, such as printing, writing and packaging paper, rather than for mass applications. Hemp paper was first used by the ancient Chinese in the first or second century BC. C., created from a mixture of water, mulberry bark and hemp rags.
It is believed that hemp paper was also found in China and Arabia in the 10th century BC. C., although there is not enough evidence to confirm this. The use of hemp paper has many benefits, such as lower greenhouse gas emissions, lower energy use and less pollution. This is why hemp paper and other recycled papers are preferred to wood paper, as traditional paper mills require a significant amount of energy.
However, the United States has restricted the production of hemp and classified it in List 1 of the Controlled Substances Act, attributing it to marijuana. Hemp paper is a type of paper produced from pulp obtained from industrial hemp fibers. It is different from other crops such as cotton, wheat and soybeans, as farmers must obtain approval from the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) before sowing seeds. Hemp also requires less water and produces more plants per acre than other crops, making it an ideal choice for farmers.
Hemp paper has been used for more than 200 years, dating back to ancient China and Egypt. It is highly resistant to breaks and breaks, making it suitable for producing durable hygiene products. However, the increase in plastic or partially plastic coins has made this application of hemp paper redundant. Fibershed has connected Lewis with sheep farms that help him mix hemp and wool to produce a soft, viable fabric that can then be delivered directly to designers. The liber fiber on the outside of the stem of the hemp plant provides the strength required by high-quality paper.
Documents and writings such as the Gutenberg Bible, Thomas Paine's pamphlet on the Declaration of Independence and the Magna Carta were printed on hemp paper. Despite its many benefits, hemp paper is not widely used today due to restrictions on production in some countries and its higher production costs compared to wood paper. However, with more awareness about its environmental benefits and potential applications, it could become a more popular choice in the future.