What's Stronger: THC or HHC?

HHC has around 70-80% of the potency of THC (marijuana), while delta-8 is about half as strong. Other effects of HHC and delta-8 include visual distortions, physical sensations, and cognitive impairment. You're more likely to experience these effects more quickly after consuming HHC, particularly at lower doses. Therefore, in general, the potency of HHC is weaker than that of THC-O.

However, it is still stronger than the typical delta-8 THC product. THC-O is a very potent form of THC and is five times stronger than Delta-8 THC and three times stronger than Delta-9 THC. HHC, on the other hand, is more potent than Delta 8 THC. But it is less active than Delta 9 THC, which means that THC-O acetate is much more potent than HHC, since it is five times stronger than Delta 8 THC.

The potency of HHC lies between Delta 8 and Delta 9 THC. HHC was first discovered in 1944 by American chemist Roger Adams, who added hydrogen molecules to Delta 9 THC, resulting in the hydrogenation of THC to HHC. Still, some states penalize all types of THC, so always check local laws before buying and consuming Delta 8 THC. HHC and THC can be federally legal as long as they are derived from hemp plants that contain less than 0.3% THC in dry weight.

Due to hydrogenation and saturation with hydrogen atoms, the carbon double bond of THC in HHC is broken. Both compounds have a binding affinity with the brain's CB1 receptors that impairs judgment and motor control, so you shouldn't operate machinery under the influence of HHC or Delta 8 THC. Choosing between HHC and THC can be difficult, as there are many options derived from hemp that sound great on the market. Regarding side effects, high doses of HHC have been reported to be very similar to those used with THC, and people may have different experiences.

And minor cannabinoids such as HHC and THC O are ready to grow and thrive in this rapidly expanding industry. Delta 8 THC produces a similar effect to marijuana, but its psychoactive potency is almost half that of Delta 9 THC. THC and HHC have almost identical molecular structures, except that the carbon double bonds are replaced by hydrogen. Many reports claim that the high HHC content produced is much more potent than Delta 8, but not as strong as Delta 9 THC.

Like Delta 8, there is a risk of consuming HHC which contains harmful by-products due to the conversion of THC to HHC. As a result, Delta 8 THC is a compound derived from hemp while the Delta 9 THC from Delta 9 products is mainly derived from marijuana since hemp cannot produce more than 0.3% of Delta 9 THC. Delta 8 THC is another popular cannabinoid in the hemp market but has been popular for much longer than HHC and products with both THC-O and Delta 8 with THC are widely available. However, most of the HHC products on the market are manufactured by hydrogenating the THC molecule derived from hemp.

Kelli Prellwitz
Kelli Prellwitz

Avid tv scholar. Alcohol guru. Lifelong tv junkie. Avid tv ninja. Passionate bacon expert. Subtly charming internet maven.