Comparing HHC and THC-O: A Comprehensive Guide

THC-O is a synthetic analogue of THC, not found naturally in the cannabis plant. It goes through a complex process and is five times more potent than delta-8, three times stronger than THC and presumably four times stronger than HHC. HHC, on the other hand, is found naturally in the cannabis plant and is approximately 70-80% of the strength of delta-9 (THC). In my experience, HHC produces similar effects to Delta 9 THC, but is slightly less potent depending on the brand.

Structurally, HHC and THC are very similar, but THC has a double bond that is not in an HHC molecule. HHC and Delta-8 THC are minor cannabinoids and intoxicating THC isomers naturally found in cannabis. However, most companies that sell HHC convert CBD to HHC using industrially concentrated artificial gastric juice. The oldest methods for creating HHC involved the use of THC and its subjection to acids such as synthetic gastric juice.

Despite the difference in potency, the consumption of products with HHC and THC produces similar effects and benefits, such as relaxation, sedation, energy, concentration and sleep promotion (among others). The best way to ensure you get pure HHC is to buy it isolated, since it is the purest form of the cannabinoid and does not contain other cannabinoids. Comparing HHC versus THC can be difficult for those who are new to cannabinoids. Experienced users have noted that HHC produces similar effects to Delta 9 THC but is slightly less potent depending on the brand you buy it from.

Structurally, HHC and THC are very similar but THC has a double bond that is not in an HHC molecule. The similarity in positive effects also includes the fact that HHC causes feelings of euphoria, increased body temperature, and alterations in auditory and visual perception, such as THC. THC Delta 8 is another famous cannabinoid in the hemp market but it has been popular for much longer than HHC. Products with THC-O and Delta 8 with THC are widely available.

When you buy HHC products, you usually get HHC made with hemp-derived CBD. In conclusion, both HHC and THC-O have their own unique properties that make them desirable for different reasons. While they both produce similar effects, they differ in potency and molecular structure. To ensure you get pure HHC, it's best to buy it isolated since it is the purest form of the cannabinoid available.

Kelli Prellwitz
Kelli Prellwitz

Avid tv scholar. Alcohol guru. Lifelong tv junkie. Avid tv ninja. Passionate bacon expert. Subtly charming internet maven.